These results are preliminary only because I have not completed the team scores. Individual scores are done.
Some of the times were so ridiculously close that I had to download them and review them on my video editing software. I also wanted to use the same eyes to get the times. In the end, I updated a couple of times because they were actually faster than originally reported. I then compared the other two down to the thousandth of a second. First and second were clear. Yep, that second place dog is a Corgi. I don’t know how they can get their bodies around a course so fast, but they are incredible. Third and fourth were brutal. I hope to get decent videos out of a side-by-side with Gia/Gus and Jasper/El.
The course for June was a numbered course.
Scoring: Time, plus Faults.
50x70 Adept Course for June 2023

50x70 Results
Team Scores Pending
Top Dogs Overall
Top Dog Overall: Jasper and Shana Goodwin, 0 faults, 28.03 sec.
2nd Place Dog: El and Sean McQuaid, 0 faults, 29.997 seconds.
3rd Place Dog: Gia and Roberta McCarty, 0 faults, 31.997 sec.
Top Dogs for Each Club
All Breed Training Club of Akron: Savvy and Cindy Fink, 0 faults, 34.53 sec.
Dazhbor Training: No Results posted.
Jumping C Crew: Gia and Roberta McCarty, 0 faults, 31.997 sec.
K9cation: Jasper and Shana Goodwin, 0 faults, 28.03 sec.
Lakeside Agility Club: Zaz and Linda Hendy, 5 faults, 50.48 sec.
PAWS4FUN: Lola and Heather Esdon, 0 faults, 41.32 sec.
Sport Dogs Jalisco: No results posted.
50x70 Intern Course

50x70 Intern Results
Top Intern Dog Overall: Zaz and Linda Hendy, 0 faults, 33.74 sec.
Second Place Intern Dog: Morgan and Lynn Gordon, 0 faults, 46.45 sec.
Third Place Intern Dog: Kai and Betty White, 0 faults, 50.54 sec.
Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at