This month we ran a historical course for the 60x90 league. The course was designed by Bud Houston. The course was first run in August 2017 and rerun in February 2021.
Several dogs have run this course more than once. I included a pdf with the results sorted by DogID to help you find them.
The first section of the course is Power and Speed consisting of the four red numbered obstacles. This untimed section is intended to demonstrate the contact performance of the dog. Refusals are not faulted. Any other fault results in a 5-second penalty. These include missed contact, wrong course, and tire opening (if breakaway). A failure to perform results in a 20-second penalty.
The second section consists of a jumpers sequence. Timing starts with the first jump noted by the Start/Finish line. Normal faults apply during the speed section.
This game includes a Time warp bonus. The dog will earn 10 bonus points if the handler remains on the opposite side of the red handler containment line while the dog performs jumps #7 thru #9 without fault. A fault negates the bonus, but the run may continue.
Scored: Time, plus Faults, minus Bonus.
60x90 Course

Team Standings

60x90 Top Dogs Overall
Top Dog: Gus and Liz Clements, bonus 10, 0 faults, 20.29 sec.
2nd Place Dog: Ruby and Liz Clements, bonus 10, 0 faults, 22.13 sec.
3rd Place Dog: Kepler and Sheila Smail, bonus 10, 0 faults, 24.56 sec.
60x90 Intern Dogs Overall
1st Place: Trixie and Valerie Doubet, bonus of 10, 10 faults, 27.28 sec.
2nd Place: Easton and Katie Middleton, bonus of 0, 0 faults, 27.47 sec.
3rd Place: Koda and Lynn Sheets, bonus of 10, 10 faults, 29.34 sec.
Top Dogs for Each Club
Cloud Nine: Asher and Susan Weyrauch, bonus 10, 0 faults, 24.91 sec.
Jumping C Crew: Gus and Liz Clements, bonus 10, 0 faults, 20.29 sec.
PAWS4FUN: Kepler and Sheila Smail, bonus 10, 0 faults, 24.56 sec.
POTC Thunder Pawz: Trixie and Valerie Doubet, bonus of 10, 10 faults, 27.28 sec.
Water's Edge: Chia and Kendra Stein, bonus of 0, 0 faults, 23.15 sec.
Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at