This month we ran a Jumpers course. While Jumpers is a numbered course, it is considered a game in IDAL. This course was originally designed in July 2013 for the league, I can find no records of it being run, not even in the great big database. Bud designed tons of courses, so it is quite possible that it wasn’t run.
Steve Bagstad said “interesting game, lots of turns/twists then fairly all-out running.” I hope that means he liked it. I hope all of you did.
Jumpers has a simple objective. Complete the numbered sequence without fault.
Jumpers is scored Time, Plus Faults.
60x90 Adept Course

Club Standings

60x90 Top Dogs Overall
Top Dog: Navi and Ali Kuschel, 0 faults, 21.77 sec.
2nd Place Dog: Lea and Cate Koltes, 0 faults, 22.42 sec.
3rd Place Dog: PeeWee and Alicia Meyer, 0 faults, 22.74 sec.
60x90 Top Intern Dogs Overall
1st Place: Lea and Cate Koltes, 0 faults, 22.42 sec.
2nd Place: Mochi and Anabella Ngo, 0 faults, 25.29 sec.
3rd Place: Hush and Cheryl Johnson, 0 faults, 25.61 sec.
Top Dogs for Each Club
Cloud Nine: Navi and Ali Kuschel, 0 faults, 21.77 sec.
PAWS4FUN: Lola and Heather Esdon, 0 faults, 24.72 sec.
POTC Thunder Pawz: Archie and Megan Bomer, 0 faults, 34.25 sec.
Water's Edge: PeeWee and Alicia Meyer, 10 bonus, 0 faults, 22.74 sec.
Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at