New month, new course. I hope you guys had fun! The weather has been super tough on many clubs. A few were able to get in some runs.
This month, we played a game called Black Hole. You needed to be careful not to get sucked into the black hole tunnels!
Everyone ran the same course this month.
60x90 Courses for February 2023
Briefing: Complete the numbered course with the fastest time. Avoid those looming black hole tunnels.
Key Points:
Complete the numbered sequence. There are no refusals; dropped bars earn a 5-point fault. Wrong courses DO NOT apply except to the tunnels; however, the wrong course must be fixed or you will earn a 20-point failure to perform. Using a food or toy earns a single 5-point fault. If the dog takes a black hole (commits with all four paws), a wrong course (5-point fault) is earned, AND the dog must repeat the tunnel (either direction) before continuing on course.
Scoring: Time, plus faults.

60x90 Results File
60x90 Adept Results

Top Dog: Wick and Hannah Teegardin, 0 faults, 17.87 sec.
2nd Place Dog: Chia and Kendra Stein, 0 faults, 18.67
3rd Place Dog: Daisy and Jenny Oulman, 0 faults, 20.84 sec.
60x90 Intern Results

Top Dog: Ford and Hannah Teegardin, 0 faults, 25.22 sec.
2nd Place Dog: Gunner and Marsha Smith, 0 faults, 29.20
3rd Place Dog: Violet and Kathy Schmitt, 5 faults, 32.56 sec.
Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at payments for the IDAL should be directed to this page: Bud Houston’s Book of Games is available for download at All donations from the sale will go to Bud Houston.