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September 2022 40x85 Results

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

This month we ran a game called Rekoons. This is one of those games that can blow your mind as a designer as well as a competitor. Why, you ask? Because Rekoons is Snooker backwards. The concept seems easy, but when you start really thinking about it, you get confused.

So, if we are running Snooker backwards, that means that the numbered sequence is run before the point accumulation period. Got it. But then, you run the numbered sequence in reverse. Okay, but do you run the sequence landing side to takeoff side? How did the judge number it? When you get to the point accumulation period, do you take a red first or a numbered obstacle first? See, it starts to get confusing…

There were some close times this month. I got a little dizzy watching Dragon's video!

Main Strategies

There were two main strategies for this game during point accumulation. The blue path was chosen by this month’s Top Dog. Several other dogs ran the pink path. Both strategies took red #1, but after the tunnel the pink handlers went to the pink #2 jump while the blue went to blue #2. From a simple yardage standpoint, the blue path should be more efficient.

If you look at the video below, you can see the runs on screen together. Kepler is faster, but Jazz made up for it with a slightly more efficient path. Kepler reaches the last obstacle in the numbered sequence while Jazz is taking the second to last obstacle. Kepler exits the first tunnel before Jazz, but Jazz enters the second tunnel slightly before Kepler. Jazz takes the third red before Kepler. Kepler had a little miscue coming out of the second tunnel from the rear cross. Jazz enters the final tunnel two strides ahead of Kepler. They come out of the last tunnel in a photo finish. Kepler is the faster dog, but path efficiency and choice of cues for indicating a side change allowed Jazz to be ahead.

40x85 Course for September 2022


Rekoons is played as a two-part game:

1. Numbered Sequence: The numbered sequence must be attempted and is taken in reverse. Each obstacle is also taken in reverse. Start with the landing side of the #7b obstacle, then go to the end of the #7a A-frame and complete it, then #6, and so on, until the dog completes the #2 obstacle. Your course may not have a 7a/7B combo; it may be just #7. Please look at the map to see the correct direction! If the dog faults an obstacle in the numbered sequence, he must be directed to begin the second part - point accumulation.

Note: A dog going on to another obstacle in the opening after having faulted an obstacle, will earn a judge’s whistle, and end the game.

The dog earns the point value of every obstacle performed correctly in the opening for a maximum of 27 points.

2. Point Accumulation: The point accumulation period begins after the dog has completed the #2 obstacle in the opening or after faulting the opening sequence. Points are earned by the completion of a red hurdle and one (and only one) scoring obstacle of the handler’s choice. Each red hurdle can be used only once. Three or four of the red hurdles may be taken. At least three reds must be attempted. The fourth red is available in case another red is faulted or if you want to go for the win. If there are only 3 reds on your course, you take/attempt all three for points.

Point values for each individual obstacle performed without fault are represented by the numbers of the opening sequence. These obstacles are bidirectional in the point accumulation period, including both obstacles of #7. To get 7 points, both 7a and 7B must be taken. Each red jump is worth 1 point.

For example: After completing the #2 tunnel, the handler directs the dog to a red jump which is completed without fault. The team then completes 7a and 7b (in any order) obstacle set. The team earns 7 points + 1 for the red. The dog now completes a different red jump and then completes the #4 jump. The team earns an additional 4+1 points. They continue to another red jump, and so on.

Refusals and runouts are not faulted during point accumulation. A missed contact earns 0 points; go take another red if one remains. Dropped bars take a pointed obstacle out of play.

Point valued obstacle/s can be used more than once; one obstacle can actually be used up to 4 times since there are 4 red jumps on course. Note that you have only 4 opportunities to get points.

During point accumulation a whistle will indicate the end of scoring. Get across the finish line to stop time.

Scoring ends when any of the following occurs:

· A red hurdle is repeated.

· The dog takes more than one scoring obstacle after taking a red hurdle.

· The dog takes a scoring obstacle after faulting the red hurdle. If the dog drops a bar on a red jump, go to another red if another remains. If not, go stop time.

· The whistle sounds.

Dog faults opening but continues running the opening.


4” & 8” have 65 seconds

12”, 16”, & 20” have 60 seconds

40x85 Regular Results

The dogs highlighted in yellow are Initiate/Dabbler teams.

Top Dog: Jazz Brown and Deborah Brown, 51 points in 28.36 seconds

2nd Place Dog: Kepler and Shiela Smail, 51 points in 28.96

3rd Place Dog: Ridley and Shiela Smail, 51 points in 29.62 seconds


Questions comments & snide remarks should be directed to Melissa Wallace at payments for the IDAL should be directed to this page: Bud Houston’s Book of Games is available for download at All donations from the sale will go to Bud Houston.

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